When I get hexed


Do you know what that means?

It's when someone says something to you and you get this GRRRRR reaction.

A mixture of offence, frustration, annoyance, and a little of anger.

You know, that kind of feeling that you can't shake?

Anyway, recently, I was having a conversation with someone who just had a baby.

She came up to me to ask me about chiropractic for babies.

She had heard that this is what I do, and wanted to know more.

So I told her that newborns should have their systems (head, neck, spine, and its alignment) checked.

I asked her, 

"Doesn't it make sense that after the paediatrician checks the heart, lungs, ears, eyes, fingers and toes, that the spine and nervous system gets a run-through?"

All newborns should have a routine chiropractic spinal check up.

Ask any mother how her birth was.

She'll say anything from it was crazy and scary, and insane, to something like, oh, it was so quick and the baby shot out of me.

And everything in between.

What they will all say is that it was definitely intense.

Well guess who else it's intense for?

That's right.


That baby needs to squeeeeeze through a very narrow outlet (vaginal or c-section) after being squished in the mummy's tummy for the last few weeks of growing in there.

So, doesn't it make sense to make sure that we get the baby's spine checked by a paediatric chiropractor?

My rule of thumb is that a baby should get checked within 7-10 days post birth.

And then, they should get checked 2-4 times per month.

Those babies do a lot of growing each week, just like they did in the womb.

So when the woman who asked me about babies and chiropractic, she told me that she didn't think she could do it because her husband was anti-chiropractic.



Then I asked her, 

"Has your husband ever seen a chiropractic adjustment on a baby?"

She said, "No, I don't think so."

That's when I got hexed.

My mind went GRRRRR.

It wasn't my job to argue with her in that moment.

That accomplishes nothing.

All I could do was tell her what I know, which is that babies and children who have their spines checked and adjusted regularly are usually the healthiest kids around.

They develop well, with little or no delays.

The sleep better.

They aren't ill and poorly.

They don't need antibiotics.

And they are usually happy and well-behaved kids!

Don't believe me?

Ask me and I'll put you in contact with a mum whose child is a chiro-kid (a kid that's been adjusted regularly most of their life).

I'm not hexed anymore.

Rant is over.

See you at your next adjustment!

Book here.

— Dr MaryAnne