The Chiropractic Art of Adjusting Children

With An Emphasis on Tonal Chiropractic Techniques

Come for a hands-on experience to discover more about the art of tonal adjusting and how to be more confident in assessing and adjusting babies and children.

The next seminar is on 11-12 May 2024 in London, exact location TBD.

Topics addressed:

  • Learn how to assess the nervous system with a tonal approach.

  • Techniques on how to check and assess for dural tension.

  • How to affect and facilitate a system-response by gentle touch.

  • Discussion about infant brain development and introduction to the Melillo Method.

  • Review Primitive Reflexes, how to check and assess, as well as ways to help integrate.

  • And more!


Do you want to be more confident in adjusting children?

In this hands-on seminar, you will learn how to confidently and competently adjust children.

  • How do you know what to adjust?

  • What do you do first?

  • Where should you begin?


The ART of Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a science, a philosophy, and an art. All three are equally important, but if you do not get a balanced education in each, then you will potentially continue to question yourself more and more.

You will be presented the essence of the Art of Chiropractic Adjusting.

The more you practice the elements and essence in the art of adjusting a spine, the more you will grow as a chiropractor, and the more you will love helping people.


Tonal Technique

Chiropractic is based on the tone of the nervous system. We will discuss the foundations of applying a tonal technique in your adjusting skills. The following techniques are based on tone:

  • NetworkSpinal (formally known as NSA)

  • BioGeometric Integration (BGI)

  • Toggle

  • Logan

  • Activator

There are many more tonal techniques to learn. We will cover the basics of the above.

About Dr. MaryAnne Shiozawa, DC

This seminar is something that I’ve been wanting to present for over a year. It was after I spoke to a group of French chiropractors and students in November of 2018 at Sebastien Fuentes’ office that helped me advance everything to make this happen. Many students and young chiropractors are eager and hungry to learn more about pediatric chiropractic care. In my view, I see a gap in learning the art of chiropractic adjusting and connecting with children. My understanding is that it is not being taught in schools. Chiropractors who love children will be able to provide exceptional care if they are eager to learn more about the art of pediatric chiropractic care.

I graduated from Life University in Marietta, Georgia, USA in 1997. Ever since I was a student, I always knew that my dream was to have a pediatric and pregnancy practice. At the time in the mid to late ‘90s, Life University was at its peak, and we students were given phenomenal opportunities to learn many chiropractic techniques. Network Chiropractic (as it was called then) was one of them, but I didn’t start learning it until 2001. In school, I loved Gonstead, Chiropractic BioPhysics, Thompson Drop, Toggle, Activator, Webster Technique, Logan, Extremities, and SOT. After graduating, I used all of these techniques when I started practicing in New York City.

Then in 2001, it was time for me to start my own personal Network Spinal care for my body and my life. That was when my journey started. I attended my first Basic Care Intensive Seminar in 2005. It was because I had been receiving regular care for 4 years that learning the technique was easy for me. It was as if my body knew just what to do.

Now, I am a fully certified Level 3 practitioner in Network Spinal Chiropractic.

My pediatric and pregnancy practice is located in London, UK, and I also continue to see patients in Paris and New York. I am fully board certified and actively licensed in the State of New York. My memberships include the ICPA and the IVCA.

You can read more about my personal story here.