At first it might be scary, but after a few goes, it's great stuff

My most difficult individual to adjust?

An adult in severe pain.

The next most difficult person?

A two-year-old.

(Or nearly two.)

Oh boy, they can be defiant.

Especially the first few goes.

Then, after a handful of adjustments, they turn into butter.

I love it.

Most mums tell me that they are very surprised at how still and calm they are during the session.

"Wow. He's so calm!"

You know I love kids.

And you know how much I love adjusting kids.

It's my favourite thing in the world.

(After ice cream, chocolate, wine, my kids, and my husband - and not in any descending order {husband is vulnerable to this}.)

Here's a nice video of one of 'my kids' that gets adjusted regularly.


It's important for kids to have their spines and nervous systems checked regularly. It helps their bodies work optimally because the nervous system is free of 'short circuits' (called subluxations).

Kids sleep better.

Stronger, more efficient immune systems (and fewer necessity for drugs).

Calmer and more relaxed kids.

And happier child too!

They are all benefits of regular chiropractic care for children!

What parent wouldn't want that?

Forward this email to a friend with kids and introduce them to the awesomeness of chiropractic!


See you at your next adjustment!

— Dr MaryAnne

PS - Book your massage with Darren, skilled in amazing deep tissue massage in our relaxing new massage room! Or book with our new student massage therapist Anastasia at £25 per hour! She's learning, so you're helping her as well by being a guinea pig! Book with her now!



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