People are wondering what the heck is happening to them

Here are examples of changes that some of my practice members experience:

  • A woman starts going to the gym for the first time in eight years and loses 35lbs (16kg). (She looks 10 years younger!)
  • A woman who was miserable, yet very dependent, in her job quits to find something she wants to do. (She also got rid of the boring relationship she felt stuck in.)
  • After being mostly bed-ridden from pain and fatigue on and off for 10 years, a woman has not only started exercising, and lifting weights, she's traveling, has her own business, and is enjoying life.
  • A woman who was trying to get pregnant for years, experienced failed IVFs and miscarriages, gets pregnant and has her first baby.
  • A young man, who finds his job dull and boring but doesn't really know what else he can do has found inspiration and insight in possibly going to chiropractic school. He's discovering a new passion that gets him hopeful and excited.
  • For the first time in 10 years, a woman who is scared to go to the gym, starts a program and goes to the gym regularly!

These are just a few of the examples of the changes that happen with regular NSA chiropractic care. 

Anything is possible, and it's up to the individual for these things to happen.

How does it happen?

Well, let's just say that your body, brain, and system are one river, with lots of flowing water. Over the years rocks and sticks, debris, and mud accumulate into the river which causes the water not to flow easily.

The chiropractic adjustments are like getting rid of those rocks and debris stuck in the river.

Helps the water clear up.

The water flows faster and better.

Also, sometimes, the chiropractic adjustments shift the rocks, moving them around to change the flow of the water. 

It creates a different flow.

A better flow.

The river is constantly changing and growing.

It has to adapt.

It makes sense that moving the rocks around will create change.

Anything is possible for that river.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: it's not just about the pain in your back, folks.

The pain will eventually reduce and go away, but only if you make changes in your life.

Chiropractic adjustments help your body function better.

Change is inevitable in the way you feel, think, and move.

That will have an impact on your life for sure.

And it's almost always a welcomed positive impact.

See you at your next adjustment!

— Dr MaryAnne