You've won the lottery

A few weekends ago, my son and I went to Paris.

My sister needed help.

So I went.

My sister didn't want my whole zoo-clan packed in her space, so I had to choose one of my monkeys.

Eenie-meenie miney-mo.

I chose my son because it was his turn for some 'mummy-and-me' time.

We were in one of my go-to shops in Paris to stock up on some cool French stuff and Max started to whine about something. 

(I don't even remember what it was about.)

I just stopped cold in my tracks.

"Really Max? You're complaining? Really?"

Oh no. I wasn't havin' it.

Right there in the shop I just gave him this life lesson.

Nip that shitz in the bud.

There is no complaining when in Paris.

There is no crying in baseball.

And there is no complaining in Paris.

(Yeah right - try telling that to all the other French living there.)

Especially not after you've eaten a fresh pain au chocolat. And you're in a cool Parisian shop. With your mum. On a mummy/son trip. Together. Without your sisters.

Oh hell no.

There is NO complaining allowed.

Then I started to remind him about what he's grateful for.

We made a list.

"Max, gimme 5 things you're grateful for."

When my kids start complaining about the stupidest stuff, I just stop them right there and say, "No. You do NOT get to complain right now."

One of my favourite dudes to watch, listen, follow and learn from is Gary Vaynerchuk

Love him.

He often talks about how being a human being is like winning the lotto. Here's another good one too.

And that there's no room to complain

(More good videos here, here, and here.)

Ok, kids are kids, and they will winge and whine and complain 'til the cows come home.

But, inside all of that, there's definitely a life lesson to be learned.

All I can do is speak for my kids and their situation.

They have no room to complain.

As soon as they start whining about some stupid thing, like how they wanted another biscuit and someone else had one more than they did, I give them 'the look', and I make them switch into 'what are you grateful for' mode.

STOP complaining. 

START declaring to yourself what you're grateful for in your day. 

How about listing 5 things you're grateful for each week?

It can be as simple as, "I slept well last night."

Or, "I ate one of my favourite meals."

Or, "I finished a great book."

Or, "I got laid."


Just be grateful for it.

Start small. Work up to big. 

One step at a time.

Watch what happens.

Have fun!

— Dr MaryAnne

PS - How about being grateful for getting adjusted and getting a great massage? Haven't done that in a while? Book those now!