It's a ruff ruff world out there right now

It's an ill-dog eat ill-dog world out there these days.

Seems like everyone - kids, babies, mums, dads - are coughing, feverish, miserable with some lurgy.

Everyone's fighting something.

And it seems like the lurgies are winning.

On my blog I've written a few posts about fevers and symptoms, and what most people do when that happens. 

See here and here.

Most people who I adjust know that my recommendation when the body is 'expressing health' (AKA 'being sick' to most people) is to:

  1. Get checked and adjusted as much as possible.
  2. Sleep.
  3. Stay Hydrated.
  4. Some good old-fashion TLC (everyone wants their mama when they are not feeling well).

One of my former chiropractic uni classmates and now a very successful and well-known chiropractor who practices in the States, Dr Don Clum, posted this excellent essay on children, fevers, and drugs. 

My blog posts were talking about the same thing.

But this time, I'm bowing and applauding to him.

His post is educational, thought-provoking, and to-the-point informative.

Check it out.


Now, come in and get your adjustments!

See you soon.

— Dr MaryAnne